Heidi is a former Met Police Officer whose world has been turned upside down by several tragic events in her life. One of those being a terminal cancer diagnosis in 2015. Despite numerous challenges since her diagnosis Heidi shares her story to spread the message of how important financial protection should be for every client.
Her message for financial advisers is clear – don’t be the adviser who neglects to ensure all of their clients are fully protected. Make your calls, send your follow-ups – and if you can’t organise the protection yourself, always refer.
To help us all play our part in closing the staggering £2.4 trillion protection gap* that exists in the UK right now, Heidi has sat down to record her story and what an adequate conversation with her financial adviser about protection, prior to her terminal diagnosis, could’ve meant for her and her family.
The current shortfall in the level of cover necessary to maintain current living standards of dependents, means that shockingly the average UK family is thought to be just 27 days away from the breadline.
When it comes to advisers and protection specialists who’ve mastered the protection conversation, we’ve noticed there are seven common skills they share and equip themselves with in their conversations with clients.
To help you discover those skills and master the protection conversation, our new guide explores the seven simple skills you need to use with clients, every time.